NParks Scholar Darren shares how he found his true calling in nature and the great outdoors, which led to his scholarship decision and a green career.

NParks Scholar Darren shares how he found his true calling in nature and the great outdoors, which led to his scholarship decision and a green career.
Find out your learning style (VARK: Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, or Kinesthetic) to develop study techniques for the best results.
Witnessing how the local estates have transformed in his growing-up years inspired HDB Scholar and Senior Estate Manager John Teo to consider a career with HDB.
In less than 2 years with NEA, Singapore Sustainability Scholar Zhao Ying has already ventured into sustainability work in two distinct environmental domains.
2021 Scholarship Guide Student Insights Survey: An annual study on the academic aspirations and career/scholarship inclinations of Singapore students.
Singapore Sustainability (PUB) Scholar Shawn sets out to apply his engineering expertise to climate change solutions.
MOE Teaching Scholar Han Dong’s journey is a testament to how teachers can be some of our most influential and life-changing heroes.
NUS Scholar Lina takes us on a playful ride of her university life and offers candid advice on how prospective candidates can ace the selection process.
A strong mentor can guide you in life, from education to career. But how do you find a mentor and nurture a successful mentor-mentee relationship?
URA Scholar Yuchong is an aspiring urban planner. Follow his liberal arts education and internship stints and find out how he copes with being the only Singaporean in the college!
NParks scholars can look forward to gaining exposure to a great diversity of professional portfolios. Hear it first-hand from NParks talent Tok Yin Xin.
Explore Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (8 types of intelligence people may possess) to understand your strengths and learning preferences.