As a student athlete, NUS Sports Scholar, and an aspiring physician, Wilson Ng, 21, is leaping into his undergraduate journey set on pursuing his passion in Medicine. With a heart to heal, he envisions his future to be one that works closely with and for others, resulting in the mutual benefit and betterment of all.
Why Did You Choose To Pursue Your Course of Study at NUS?
Medicine is a multi-dimensional course and the challenge of it really appeals to me. Unlike other courses that do not have a career path set in stone, studying Medicine prepares us for the sole purpose of becoming competent physicians. This unique aspect of Medicine imbues the course of study with purpose and provides the academic rigor with so much more meaning. Finally, the opportunity to work closely, both for and with others is one that I will enjoy from Medicine as my vocation.
“To Be a Sports Scholar, One Should Have Good Sporting Achievements and Display the Virtues of Sportsmanship Such as Humility, Leadership, Perseverance and Discipline.”
Wilson Ng
Why Did You Accept the NUS Sports Scholarship?
As a passionate athlete, the NUS Sports Scholarship provides me with the support to continue training hard while coping with the academic rigor. Apart from the tuition fee coverages and yearly living allowance, there is also an accommodation allowance should I stay on campus. This aligns with my hectic training and academic schedule. Additionally, the scholarship greatly eases the financial burden and allows me to focus on developing myself holistically in NUS. More importantly, being offered the scholarship affirms my efforts and I know that accepting this scholarship will only push me to strive even harder.
What Was the Scholarship Selection Process Like?
It was a very smooth process where I first submitted an online application for the NUS Scholarships* and uploaded the required supporting documents online. After being shortlisted, I was informed to attend an interview to assess my suitability for scholarships. For the NUS Sports Scholarship, the interview was done by a panel of deans and professors, along with the team manager for my sport. It was a comfortable interview in which the panelists were interested to find out more about me, how I deal with various situations and how I demonstrate certain traits such as leadership, amongst others. Although there were times when the questions were challenging, I found it useful to be self-aware, reflective and genuine throughout the interview.

Why Do You Think You Were Awarded the Scholarship, and What Are the Qualities a Scholar Should Possess?
I believe I was awarded the NUS Sports Scholarship due to my sporting achievements and consistent academic performance. More importantly, I was eager to contribute to the sports scene in NUS, especially in my sport, Volleyball. My passion in sports and experience in serving others, put me in a better position as well. To be a sports scholar, one should have good sporting achievements and display the virtues of sportsmanship such as humility, leadership, perseverance and discipline. Sport scholars are also expected to play a role in the NUS sports scene, and this can begin from their own sport. Even if one may not be the most skillful member on the team, I believe that a sports scholar should always maintain discipline and be ready to step up when the need arises.
What Are the Benefits of Taking up the NUS Sports Scholarship?
While the financial rewards of the scholarship are very striking, there is actually so much more to it! As scholars, we are all encouraged to meet and interact with each other through various events. This allows us to form new connections with people from various backgrounds, which really adds to the vibrancy of our university life. Next, there is a guaranteed 2-year stay on campus and a guaranteed semester in the Student Exchange Programme (SEP), both of which could really enrich your university experience. Finally, this scholarship is bond-free and recipients have the entire course of study to explore their interests, rather than being bonded to a particular organisation. More importantly, being offered the scholarship affirms my efforts and I know that accepting this scholarship will only push me to strive even harder.
* NUS Global Merit Scholarship, NUS Merit Scholarship, NUS Performing & Visual Arts Scholarship, and NUS Sports Scholarship
NUS Sports Scholarship
Age: 21
Now: Degree Programme in Medicine, NUS
From: Hwa Chong Institution