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Bonded Scholarship versus Bond-Free Scholarships: Navigating Educational Opportunities in Singapore

Explore the dynamic landscape of scholarship opportunities in Singapore with this insightful blog. Learn about the distinctions between bonded and bond-free scholarships, their benefits, challenges, and inspiring stories of scholars shaping Singapore’s future. Whether you’re a student, parent, or educator, discover valuable insights to navigate your educational journey and make informed decisions about your academic and career aspirations.

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Going Beyond Law with NUS

A holistic university experience goes beyond the core curriculum. While the National University of Singapore (NUS) offers a law programme that she is interested in, NUS Global Merit Scholar Srinidhi made sure that she thoroughly researched the school’s culture, environment, and exchange programmes before making a choice that would affect the next four years of her life and beyond. Srinidhi lets us in on her scholarship search and application experience and shares valuable tips on how to leverage extra-curricular activities to make her university life more enriching and meaningful.

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Sealing the Deal with NUS

As a business student, NUS Merit Scholar Nadia Farhana Binte Salahuddin naturally plans ahead. After graduating from the Singapore Polytechnic (SP), it did not take her long to decide to pursue the next phase of her education journey with the National University of Singapore (NUS). It was an easy choice due to NUS’ reputation, academic programmes, and world-class faculty. The range of opportunities that the NUS Business School offers means that she has the flexibility to choose from many different specialisations that allows her to stay relevant in the future working world. Follow her journey from scholarship selection to application and now as a Year 1 undergraduate.