Dr Rena Dharmawan doesn’t just practice medicine; she changes it. Scholarship Guide is honoured to share a conversation with the surgeon-innovator-entrepreneur-educator.

Dr Rena Dharmawan doesn’t just practice medicine; she changes it. Scholarship Guide is honoured to share a conversation with the surgeon-innovator-entrepreneur-educator.
I hope you enjoy reading this issue of the Scholarship Guide magazine. On behalf of our team, I thank you all for your continued support.reliable information on matters pertaining to scholarships. Over the years, we have gained vast experience in this area and aspire to continue sharing that knowledge.
Explore the 9 most common challenges international students face when studying abroad and what you can do to overcome them.
2022 Scholarship Guide Student Insights Survey: An annual study on the academic aspirations and career/scholarship inclinations of Singapore students.
From going to the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., to being at the forefront of tech and cyber developments, no two days are the same for Defence Executive Officer (DXO) Grace Sum.
In this guide, we provide the steps and a series of questions to guide you in picking a university major based on your passions, skills, and career goals.
As a Battalion Commander, Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Chua Xianyi leads his men in training and operations; driven by a sense of purpose to achieve our Army’s mission to defend the nation.
Captain (CPT) Surya Bhat has always aspired to have a career that would challenge him to grow in a unique environment. He found all this and more in the Navy.
Serving the greater purpose of public service, Military Expert 5 (ME5) Gerald Goh has grown in myriad ways in his SAF journey.
Join first-year law student Daniel Ian Toh as he discovers university life in full sail as an NUS Sports Scholar.
Rachele, NUS Merit Scholar and medical student, reveals her scholarship-winning strategy and shares what she believes are the best scholar qualities.
You don’t have to be a student with the best-in-class grades to win a scholarship. Follow these tips to help you maximise your scholarship opportunities.