Motivated by the potential of using spatial data to help drive urban planning decisions, Scholar Wilson Chua looked no further than the URA for a career future.

Motivated by the potential of using spatial data to help drive urban planning decisions, Scholar Wilson Chua looked no further than the URA for a career future.
HDB Scholar Elaine Goh takes pride in applying her statistics and economics expertise in her work to add value to Singapore’s public housing scene.
PUB Scholar Melvin Chin has made ensuring access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene in Singapore his professional mandate in the fight against climate change.
SAF Engineering Scholar Ho Yan Jin leads and develops a team while serving with purpose—defending Singapore’s airspace.
The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) Overseas Scholarship provided Toufiq with the opportunity to explore different cities around the world during his time as an Architecture student at the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Lieutenant Colonel and SAF Scholar David Kan found his calling in the Navy, leading his crew on the ship to help safeguard Singapore’s security.
Singapore Sustainability Scholar Kai Kiat shares his motivation for shaping Singapore’s food future and key revelations from his Food Tech studies in the Netherlands.
NParks Scholar Darren shares how he found his true calling in nature and the great outdoors, which led to his scholarship decision and a green career.
Witnessing how the local estates have transformed in his growing-up years inspired HDB Scholar and Senior Estate Manager John Teo to consider a career with HDB.
URA Scholar Yuchong is an aspiring urban planner. Follow his liberal arts education and internship stints and find out how he copes with being the only Singaporean in the college!
NParks scholars can look forward to gaining exposure to a great diversity of professional portfolios. Hear it first-hand from NParks talent Tok Yin Xin.
A recipient of multiple scholarships during her undergraduate studies at Waseda University, Zhi Yin shares her memorable experiences as an overseas scholar.