As a business student, NUS Merit Scholar Nadia Farhana Binte Salahuddin naturally plans ahead. After graduating from the Singapore Polytechnic (SP), it did not take her long to decide to pursue the next phase of her education journey with the National University of Singapore (NUS). It was an easy choice due to NUS’ reputation, academic programmes, and world-class faculty. The range of opportunities that the NUS Business School offers means that she has the flexibility to choose from many different specialisations that allows her to stay relevant in the future working world. Follow her journey from scholarship selection to application and now as a Year 1 undergraduate.
A Clear-Cut Choice
I chose to study at NUS due to its prestige, having been consistently ranked among the top universities globally. With its rigorous academic programmes and world-class faculty, a wide range of opportunities is available once I graduate. The NUS Business School is also highly regarded globally, and I have the flexibility to choose from many different specialisations that allows me to stay relevant in the future working world.
The NUS Merit Scholarship greatly supports my journey as a student in NUS. Financially, it covers my tuition fees and annual living expenses. It allows me to dedicate more time and effort to personal and professional development opportunities. The guaranteed 1-semester Student Exchange Programme (SEP) with one of NUS’ overseas partner universities will also broaden my perspective, challenge me to step out of my comfort zone, and experience different societal norms and education systems. This experience will help me develop a more global mindset and prepare me to navigate an increasingly interconnected world.
Efficient Application Process
The scholarship selection process was very clear and efficient. Firstly, I had to fill up an online application listing out both my academic and non-academic merits. I was then called up for a group interview at NUS. Since I was applying to NUS Business School, my interview centred around a case study that covered different areas of business. It was both a nerve-wrecking and eye-opening experience. The results were released soon after.
I think I was awarded the scholarship as my academic records back in SP was able to show my resilience and dedication to whatever I committed to. This is a valuable quality for a scholar considering how vigorous university life will be. Furthermore, my involvement in the community brought me closer to receiving the scholarship as a scholar should not only place emphasis on academic pursuits but also strive to lead a well-balanced life, making a positive impact wherever opportunities arise.

Benefits of the NUS Merit Scholarship
The NUS experience has been great thus far despite only being one semester. I am amazed by how its culture of “work hard, play hard” shines through as I see my seniors balancing all their commitments well. They demonstrate how the university is not just about doing well in studies but also taking the chance to widen and develop your capabilities. Through the Freshmen Orientation Programme, I have participated in multiple orientation camps that allowed me to make valuable friendships. I was also allowed to be a part of a meaningful project – Flag, which connects members of the society and garner funds for a good cause.
For prospective scholars, the NUS Merit Scholarship is a bond-free scholarship that covers subsidised tuition fees, an annual living allowance and a one-time computer allowance. It also gives scholars priority for on-campus accommodation for the first two years and a guaranteed 1-semester SEP with one of NUS’ overseas partner universities. I am truly honoured to receive this scholarship, as these benefits gave me a smoother transition into university.
NUS Merit Scholarship
Bachelor of Business Administration, National University of Singapore
Now: Year 1 Undergraduate