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95 Award Recipients, One Defence Community

Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen officiated at the virtual Defence Scholarship Awards Ceremony this evening. The awards ceremony saw the presentation of 95 scholarships this year – The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Scholarship to 7 recipients, Public Service Commission (PSC) Scholarship (Engineering) – Defence and Security to 5 recipients, SAF Merit Scholarship to 17 recipients, SAF Engineering Scholarship to 5 recipients, Defence Merit Scholarship to 18 recipients, SAF Medicine Scholarship to 7 recipients, and Defence Science and Technology (DSTA) Scholarship to 36 recipients.

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$72 Million Boost for Built Environment Workforce Development and Training

The Government has committed $72 million for workforce development and training for the Built Environment (BE) sector till 2020. This will include enhancements to the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship programme (formerly known as the Built Environment Scholarship and Sponsorship programme) for the full-time Undergraduate, Diploma and ITE tracks.