Students can apply these 5 professional writing tips in any academic and career-related writing to help them communicate effectively and achieve their goals.

Students can apply these 5 professional writing tips in any academic and career-related writing to help them communicate effectively and achieve their goals.
What are my skills and interests & what should I specialise in? A step-by-step guide to finding your niche in higher education and figuring out your career path.
“This is Water” by David Foster Wallace is a call to graduates to apply the real value of their education into adulthood—to stay mindful and exercise empathy.
Strive for perfection in your resume. Use these 8 ‘Cs’ to help you write a standout resume to secure that interview and land your dream job!
Let’s examine the millennial workforce in Singapore and how their digital-savvy, change-seeking, and self-starting qualities can be an asset to employers.
From trusting your instincts to asking for feedback, these are some key learnings from the success stories and strategies of Google, Amazon, and Apple leaders.
Are you a fresh graduate entering the workforce? Here are 5 things you should know to help you start your first job and embark on work-life journey confidently.
From adopting the right attitude to using the right words, these 5 networking tips can help young professionals like you make valuable, authentic connections.
Disrupting education and the workplace, Covid-19 has left no aspect of life untouched. Let’s explore how schools & businesses in Singapore navigate the crisis.
Matching top-notch work with excellent ethics as laid out in these 7 pro-tips can help you establish yourself as a valuable employee in any workplace.
For young professionals entering the working world, what does it mean to be “professional” at work? Abide by these rules to survive the workplace and politics.
Accepted a job offer that you regret? Or a better offer came along after you said yes? Here’s how to politely decline and back out on a job offer.