Explore the 9 most common challenges international students face when studying abroad and what you can do to overcome them.

Explore the 9 most common challenges international students face when studying abroad and what you can do to overcome them.
Studying abroad? Should you live on-campus in a dorm or rent a private room in an apartment? Let’s weigh the pros and cons of both types of housing options.
Guide for Singaporean students planning to further their education and study in Japan: By Mr Sakamoto Shigeki from Waseda University.
An honest reflection on studying abroad (Australia)—from managing homesickness and learning independence to adjusting to new norms and finding support. An honest reflection on studying abroad (Australia)—from managing homesickness and learning independence to adjusting to new norms and finding support.
To stay in the Republic or to go overseas for your university studies? Weigh the pros and cons of studying abroad to help you better decide.
Did you know that travelling and volunteering abroad can help you develop cross-cultural communication skills, a life skill sought after by employers?
Here are 7 ways on how you can take advantage of your overseas education experience to help you improve your career prospects and score that dream job!
Besides working as a part-time barista at Starbucks for eight months, there are many things one can do to make even more productive use of time! Scholarship Guide suggests the following list of activities for recently graduated pre-university students who often undervalue or overlook such options in exchange for income-generating jobs. These activities are targeted at value-adding (oh, not this word again!) to and stimulating one’s intellectual and social capacities, in the hope that one would notch up at being a more well-rounded individual during the long break.