Follow these tips to break into the job market successfully as a fresh graduate, even if you have no formal working experience.

Follow these tips to break into the job market successfully as a fresh graduate, even if you have no formal working experience.
These unconventional study methods have been tried and tested by other students, and they might just be your answer to making the most of your study time.
Dr Rena Dharmawan doesn’t just practice medicine; she changes it. Scholarship Guide is honoured to share a conversation with the surgeon-innovator-entrepreneur-educator.
How to get through a boring class and still get good grades? Here are 11 survival tips to help you boost your engagement in class.
From being buds with your professor to asking for student discounts, make the most of your university experience with these unusual tips.
Understand the 80/20 rule and learn methods such as the Pomodoro technique to help you improve your productivity and study more efficiently.
Should you handwrite or type your notes? Explore the benefits and drawbacks of both note-taking methods and pick the one that best suits your learning scenario.
Find out your learning style (VARK: Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, or Kinesthetic) to develop study techniques for the best results.
Explore Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (8 types of intelligence people may possess) to understand your strengths and learning preferences.
Get behind the “protégé effect”, where teaching something to someone else helps a person learn it better. Learn how to use it, even on a rubber duck.