10Ps to Writing a Compelling Scholarship Essay

You’ve worked hard to earn good grades, but good grades alone do not guarantee you a scholarship. The key to convincing the scholarship committee lies in how you present yourself in the scholarship essay. Who would have thought that writing an essay could be so tough? However, with this 10P guide to creating a compelling scholarship essay, you may increase your chances of securing the support you need to turn your higher education and career dreams into reality.


Nothing beats the peace of mind and confidence that diligent preparation brings. Start by knowing your deadlines and allowing plenty of time to write your scholarship essay. Read the essay prompt and guidelines carefully to understand what is being asked of you. Then, begin your research by going through the provider’s website, familiarising yourself with their values and goals, looking up recent news about the organisation, and reading interviews of past scholars to get a sense of the type of students they favour. This will help you better present yourself in a way that aligns with what the provider is looking for.


Don’t dive into writing your scholarship essay without a solid plan. Take the time to organise your thoughts, plan your structure, and draft an outline. Proper planning ensures not only a logical flow to your essay but also an overall engaging, compelling piece that resonates with your readers. 

Focus on identifying three key points you will discuss in the essay that will fully address the prompt and come up with an overarching angle or theme. Think about how you can make a strong first impression in your introduction and end your essay on a high note. Once you are satisfied with your plan, don’t delay writing. Avoid stressing over perfection and focus on finishing the first draft. You can always revisit the draft later to edit. 

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Providers don’t want to read about your academic achievements in your essay. They can already see those from your grades. What they really want to know is the person behind the application. They want to understand who you are, your interests, goals, traits, attitudes, and motivations. This can help them determine if you are a good fit for their organisation. 

So, don’t be afraid to get personal in your essay and let your personality shine through. The more personal you are in sharing your stories and experiences, the more your readers can resonate and form a connection with you, making them remember you better. It also gives them an insightful glimpse into your character. 

But whatever personal experience you share, always tie it back to the scholarship values and maintain a positive tone throughout your essay—even when discussing personal struggles or failures, focusing on what you have learnt and how you have grown from those experiences. 

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Passion sells, and it shows when you have it. Share what you are passionate about and link it to the scholarship you are applying for. For example, if you are seeking a scholarship in the medical field, illustrate your passion for healthcare by highlighting how your volunteer work at local clinics aligns with the provider’s mission to improve community health. Or, if you are applying for an engineering scholarship, show your interest in innovation by discussing specific projects or competitions you have participated in—that mirror the provider’s focus on technological advancement. You can also discuss your long-term goals and aspirations within the industry and align them with the provider’s vision. 


In addition to passion, every provider appreciates a candidate with a unique perspective. Share your thoughts on the latest trends or developments in the field or provide a thoughtful critique of a current issue. You could also introduce an idea that you believe can drive improvements. Demonstrating your independent viewpoint shows that you are thoughtful about your chosen path and can bring fresh ideas and insights to the table, setting you apart.

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Don’t just discuss the past (your experiences and achievements) and the present (why you need this scholarship). Help the provider envision the future with you as part of their organisation. Outline your plans and highlight your potential for future success. Show how the scholarship will help you grow and contribute to your field or community. Ensure that your future aspirations are concrete and achievable. All this future talk makes a strong essay sign-off and will leave a lasting impression on the scholarship committee. 

Persuade & Promote

Use persuasive language in your essay to make a compelling case for why you deserve the scholarship. And don’t be afraid to promote yourself as this might be your only chance to convince the reviewing committee that you are a deserving candidate. Avoid general, vague statements and weasel words. Your arguments are only credible when supported by evidence and examples. Be honest; be professional; be creative. Write clearly and concisely, avoiding unnecessary jargon. And make sure that you stay focused and directly answer the question or prompt.

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Once you have your final draft, wait a day before reviewing it. This break allows you to read the essay with fresh eyes, making it easier to catch grammar mistakes and inconsistencies. You might also want to get someone else to proofread your essay so that they can point out errors you could have overlooked. Then, take one last look at the essay guidelines to ensure you’ve met all word count and formatting requirements before submitting.


Finally, never send out a one-size-fits-all essay to multiple scholarship providers. Each essay should be tailored to address and appeal to the scholarship you are applying for. Customising every application shows that you are willing to go the extra mile, have done your research, and sincerely embody the provider’s values and goals. 

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No Shortcuts

Follow this 10P guide to make a strong, compelling case to the scholarship panel for why you are a truly deserving candidate. Writing a compelling scholarship essay involves extensive research, planning, writing, and revisions, and there are no shortcuts. But all that effort will be worth it.