Which educator has not been touched by discussion of how generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are revolutionising the way subjects are taught? Five educators across different subject areas share how they have been working with tools like ChatGPT and how students are embracing it.

I’ve Reclaimed Time for Richer Classroom Discussions
Mr Lim Wui Lester, Lead Teacher/History
Jurong Pioneer Junior College
ChatGPT is highly versatile; it can function as an intelligent search engine, information generator, and organiser. It can therefore perform many menial tasks for both teachers and students, freeing up valuable classroom time for educators to focus on developing higher-order skills such as information literacy, sound research methodology, and persuasive communication.
By leveraging the power of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, China Studies in English lessons have become more engaging and discussion-based. Instead of receiving information on the challenges confronting the development of Chinese economy from given notes and explanations, students can pose the question to ChatGPT and receive an overview of the topic. This process leads to evidence-based inquiry learning, where students can evaluate the validity of the information and engage in student-centred discussions.
During the second half of the lesson, students critique each other’s findings, and address the essential question posed. An example of an essential question would be, ‘Is imbalanced development the greatest inhibition to China’s economic sustainability?’ Since ChatGPT is an algorithmic programme that mixes and matches information, it cannot perform humanoid thinking activities like synthesis, evaluation, and analysis. Hence, the lesson becomes discussion-based, mainly driven by the students’ intellectual curiosity and interest in the subject.

It Encourages My Students To Think Beyond What Is Covered in Class
Ms Huang Kexin, Vice Principal
Clementi Town Secondary School
By analysing my students’ questions, responses, and follow-ups to ChatGPT’s answers, I gained insight into their learning gaps and interests.
It also encourages them to think beyond what we cover in class. During a static electricity lesson, my students asked ChatGPT why like charges repel and unlike charges attract. Others were curious about how charges move in conductors and insulators. One student even asked ChatGPT to answer in rhyme! The answers provided by ChatGPT prompted further discussion on the choice of related technical language, the accuracy of answers, and the possibility of using more precise scientific terms while still being literally appealing.
To prevent cheating, students must understand the purpose of homework. Homework aims to allow students to reflect, deepen and internalise their understanding of the content taught. To this end, I provide students with personalised feedback and embed metacognitive elements in their assignments to help them appreciate the value of independent completion. When students appreciate the value of homework in their learning process, they are less likely to cheat.

My Debating Team Put It to the Test as a ‘Worthy Opponent’
Mrs Juliana Ng, Level Head/English
Edgefield Primary School
In a debate, students need to be able to think on their feet and respond effectively. Debaters need to be able to quickly analyse the information presented to them, identify the key points and develop a rebuttal. As ChatGPT can generate responses in real time, I used it to simulate a debate during a practice session.
The debaters were amazed at how quickly ChatGPT was able to respond and generate logical counter-arguments. However, some debaters pointed out flawed or not entirely relevant counter-arguments. This proved to be a valuable learning point for the students, with them being made aware of the limitations of such generative AI tools.
Overall, the experience of using ChatGPT during our practice round was novel and thought-provoking, generating great interest. It helped debaters to better anticipate and prepare rebuttals to opposing viewpoints, as well as refine their arguments before the actual debate.

It Cannot Replace Content Mastery and Critical Thinking
Mr Kenneth Koh, Head of Department/Humanities
Catholic High School
Although generative AI tools can add value to our teaching and learning experiences, they are not foolproof. ChatGPT can fail to convey nuance effectively. It may also provide oversimplified narratives, inaccuracies, and biases. Yet, rather than consider ChatGPT as a foe, we should have open conversations about its limitations and possibilities with our students.
In one History lesson, we used ChatGPT to investigate the claim that rising militarism was a key reason for the outbreak of World War II. To investigate this claim, we used ChatGPT to provide an explanation of reasons on both sides of the argument. While ChatGPT did a great job at categorising factors and providing contrasting views, my students and I quickly realised that these broad points lacked substantiation with historical evidence. The students then discussed what needed to be added into ChatGPT’s responses to make a more convincing case.
As the investigation required students to provide an evaluation at the end, they also realised another of ChatGPT’s shortcomings – it was not able to provide a personal judgement, almost always concluding the discussion as ‘complex and multifaceted’. This experience taught them that while such tools can accelerate learning, they cannot replace the need for content mastery, critical thinking skills and the ability to construct one’s personal voice. The only way to meaningfully use them is to want to be better than them.

It Transforms Students Into Active Learners
Ms Khairiah Bte Hairoman, Head of Department/Humanities
Peirce Secondary School
When it comes to subjects like History and Social Studies where perspective-taking is important, ChatGPT can offer an alternate point of view for our students to consider. However, because ChatGPT provides answers almost immediately, this might hinder a student’s thinking process.
Furthermore, the beauty of the Languages and the Humanities is the creativity and individuality of one’s writing. If students become too dependent on ChatGPT to churn out their answers, they will not be able to develop this skill.
With these AI tools, my responsibility shifts further from providing students with information to nurturing their capacity to work independently and cooperatively. In the process, they learn the skills that I deem valuable, such as recognising diverse perspectives, teamwork, communication, empathy, and sensitivity — all these are what we now have more time to focus on.
A version of this article was first published on schoolbag.edu.sg, MOE’s education news site.