Follow these tips to break into the job market successfully as a fresh graduate, even if you have no formal working experience.

Follow these tips to break into the job market successfully as a fresh graduate, even if you have no formal working experience.
If you are feeling stressed and emotional about your university or scholarship applications, this advice is for you.
A strong volunteering record can help set you apart from the other students with similar outstanding academic achievements in a scholarship application.
University is a great place to develop leadership skills. From volunteering to taking the lead in presentations to joining student council, opportunities abound.
Did you know that travelling and volunteering abroad can help you develop cross-cultural communication skills, a life skill sought after by employers?
Besides working as a part-time barista at Starbucks for eight months, there are many things one can do to make even more productive use of time! Scholarship Guide suggests the following list of activities for recently graduated pre-university students who often undervalue or overlook such options in exchange for income-generating jobs. These activities are targeted at value-adding (oh, not this word again!) to and stimulating one’s intellectual and social capacities, in the hope that one would notch up at being a more well-rounded individual during the long break.