Mid-Term Scholarships Don’t Get Enough Attention

As an 18-year-old, deciding on your career path can be daunting. Especially if you are considering a scholarship. The additional consideration of serving a bond adds to the pressure of making the right decision. After all, it is committing a large part of your life and effort to something that has significant financial and other consequences should you change your mind.

Does this mean that a scholarship is completely out of the question? Not necessarily. 

What is Mid-Term Scholarship?

six white sticky notes

The benefits of mid-term scholarships are equivalent to their full-term counterparts. You will still receive financial support for the course fee, albeit for your remaining years of study. On top of that, you will also receive allowances like full-term scholarships to cover accommodation, electronic devices, etc. Similarly, there will be exposure to invaluable opportunities and experiences such as paid internships and overseas programmes. Last but not least, there is also guaranteed job placement and fast-track progression within the provider organiser. 

Is Mid-Term Scholarship for Me? 

Yes, a mid-term scholarship is absolutely for anyone interested in applying for a scholarship! It is an excellent alternative for those who have prior unsuccessful full-term scholarship applications or simply need more time. 

If you are still unsure of your career choice, going through one or two semesters in the university can help you affirm that it is the right direction for you. Once you are sure, applying for a mid-term scholarship will give you access to the benefits of full-term ones while mitigating the risk of upfront commitment. 

While some mid-term scholarships are bond-free, you will likely still have to serve a shorter/pro-rated bond period, depending on the provider. Regardless, the shorter commitment period gives you more flexibility to pursue other personal interests or even a change of career! 

What’s Available?

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

Most providers offer mid-term scholarships. Here is a list for consideration. 

  1. BCA Undergraduate Scholarship (Mid-Term)
  2. CAAS Undergraduate Scholarship (Mid-Term)
  3. CSIT Undergraduate Scholarship
  4. HDB Mid-Term Specialist Scholarship
  5. NTU Talent Scholarship (Mid-Term)
  6. PA Scholarship
  7. Singapore Sustainability Scholarship (SFA) (Mid-Term)
  8. Smart Nation Scholarship (Mid-Term)
  9. The SUSS Scholarship
  10. URA Undergraduate Scholarship (Mid-Term)

As with all scholarship applications, be sure to weigh all your options and do thorough research as the application process on its own is a huge commitment!