Which educator has not been touched by discussion of how generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are revolutionising the way subjects are taught? Five educators across different subject areas share how they have been working with tools like ChatGPT and how students are embracing it.

Scholarships for a Generation of Changemakers
Explore a variety of scholarships empowering students to become changemakers across fields like technology, education, entrepreneurship, and sustainability in Singapore.

Changing Your Mind At University
Considering changing your university course or major? Learn how to reflect, plan, and take action with these practical tips. It’s okay to change your mind. Find out how to navigate transitions and embrace growth.

Simple Ways Students Can Change the World (And Lessons From the Hobbit)
Discover how students can make a difference with everyday actions inspired by The Hobbit. From volunteering to everyday acts of kindness, learn simple ways to create positive change.

The Evolution of Job Titles
Traditional titles like HR Manager may be a thing of the past. Find out how novel titles reflect culture shifts and learn tips to excel in these roles.

Cultivating An Agile Mindset For Success
Learning to adapt, iterate, and thrive amidst change will enable you to navigate an ever-changing business world and prepare you for a successful career.

The 3 Key Pillars of Singapore’s Sustainability Story
The approach to Singapore’s sustainability is all-round and multi-pronged, with Public Utilities Board (PUB), National Environment Agency (NEA) and Singapore Food Agency (SFA) working together to manage resources and enhance environmental resilience.

Practical Tips for Embracing Change
Entering university can be daunting. Learn tips to cope with change and take these life skills with you to future transitions into the workforce and beyond.

Better To Be Bonded
Though a bond-free scholarship may seem attractive compared to signing yourself away to your sponsoring organisation for the next five years, today’s uncertain job market may make the bonded option the better one.

AI-up Your Scholarship Application
Though mostly used to cheat, there are many other, much more wholesome, ways AI can help your scholarship journey. From generating flashcards to personalised messages, there is a range of uses for AI from scholarship research to interviews that streamline, energise and add depth to the process.

Mid-Term Scholarships Don’t Get Enough Attention
Unsuccessful scholarship applications or need more time to decide? Consider mid-term scholarships, which have equally attractive benefits.

How to Use AI Tools for Studying (And Not Cheat)
Is using AI tools for studying cheating? Discover ethical ways to enhance your learning, boost productivity, and find inspiration with AI tools.