Are you considering Japan to further your education? Take a sneak peek and learn more about what studying and living in Japan is like in our upcoming Scholarship Guide Webinar series with our guest speaker, Sakamoto san from Waseda University.

Are you considering Japan to further your education? Take a sneak peek and learn more about what studying and living in Japan is like in our upcoming Scholarship Guide Webinar series with our guest speaker, Sakamoto san from Waseda University.
Raffles Institution Scholarship & Career Fair 2021 was successfully held online on 3rd June 2021. Scholarship Guide is honoured to participate and have our sharing session with the students.
To survive and succeed in marketing communication, you’ll need to own many tools and skills, even a whole new language. Sign up Scholarship Guide’s Webinar series to listen to our very own speaker David Phey talk on this interesting topic.
95.9% of fresh graduates from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in the labour force were employed within six months of completing their final examinations, reflecting strong demand for SUTD graduates despite the uncertain economic situation.
Whether you want to have better conversations in your social life or get your ideas across better in school – learn how to communicate more effectively in our first-ever Scholarship Guide Webinar series with our guest speaker, Jacqueline.
As promised, we have picked four lucky respondents who each had won an NTUC voucher worth $50. They are: Sonya, Dawn, Michelle and Bryan. We also picked one lucky respondent – Rebecca – who won herself an iPhone 12. Congratulations to all of them!
138 students received the 2020 Singapore-Industry Scholarship (SgIS) this year. The SgIS virtual award ceremony was held on 14 August 2020, with Second Minister for Education, Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, as guest of honour.
Introduced in 1971, The SAF Scholarship, formerly known as SAF Overseas Scholarship (SAFOS), is a prestigious scholarship second only to the President’s Scholarship. There are 347 recipients of The SAF Scholarship to date.
Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen officiated at the virtual Defence Scholarship Awards Ceremony this evening. The awards ceremony saw the presentation of 95 scholarships this year – The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Scholarship to 7 recipients, Public Service Commission (PSC) Scholarship (Engineering) – Defence and Security to 5 recipients, SAF Merit Scholarship to 17 recipients, SAF Engineering Scholarship to 5 recipients, Defence Merit Scholarship to 18 recipients, SAF Medicine Scholarship to 7 recipients, and Defence Science and Technology (DSTA) Scholarship to 36 recipients.
To celebrate the launch of Scholarship Guide’s new website, we will be giving away a $100 NTUC voucher to one lucky winner every week starting from August! This giveaway is open to anyone in Singapore.
Raffles Institution Scholarship & Career Fair 2020 was successfully held online for the first time on 21st July 2020. Scholarship Guide is honoured to participate and have our sharing session with the students.
The Government has committed $72 million for workforce development and training for the Built Environment (BE) sector till 2020. This will include enhancements to the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship programme (formerly known as the Built Environment Scholarship and Sponsorship programme) for the full-time Undergraduate, Diploma and ITE tracks.